7th Food for your skin - Citrus Fruits
Vitamin C is a prime skin-care ingredient in tons of beauty creams. This vitamin aids in the body's production ofcollagen, a protein that forms the basic structure of your skin.Collagen breakdown, which starts speeding up significantly around the age of 35, can leave your skin saggy [source:RealAge]. Consuming extra vitamin C in foods like oranges, grapefruits, Acerola cherries (a single Acerola has 100 percent of your vitamin C for the day) and tomatoes can help tighten the skin and prevent wrinkles.
Vitamin C also may fight inflammation, and its antioxidantproperties can neutralize the free radicals (highly reactive oxygen molecules) that damage cells and can prematurely age your face.
In case you get tired of eating all that fruit, hot peppers, bell peppers and sprouts also have good amounts of vitamin C.
Next, a food that's not just for Quakers.